Zodiac signs and gambling luck

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For those who are superstitious and believe in zodiac signs, the Chinese have predicted a fortunate year for the gamblers in 2019, so those who make a habit out of playing real money pokies online are sure to be pleased. It has been said to be a year full of wealth as it’s the Pig that rules this time around.

The pig represents overall good prosperity with many riches to come for the person who avoids too much risk. This being said, if you practice responsible gambling by avoiding any risky gameplay through bank management, you will be rewarded. 2019 is the year for the calculated and careful gamblers.

Honesty is another trait of the Pig, and those who stay true and honest with themselves about how much they can afford to gamble will earn extra credit in cash.

2019 is not a good year for investments or loans for the Pig, so avoid to lend that extra dollar from a friend to play on slots. The Pig has a good sense of humor so by playing the online casino games for fun, you will be greatly rewarded for bringing peace and joy to the reels this year.

The Pig is also very understanding so if you do go a little bit extra overboard on your spending on a casino, don’t worry, as he will easily forgive those who are honest and realize their mistakes. Learning from your errors and changing for the better good will also be highly rewarded this year.

Lucky Gambling Signs

Luckiest Gambling Months in 2019: April 8th to July 20th
Unluckiest Gambling Months in 2019: September 12th to December 2nd
Lucky Gambling Colours in 2019: Yellow, Grey, and Brown
Lucky Gambling Numbers in 2019: 2, 5 and 8
Promising Gambling Direction in 2019: Southeast and East
Gambling Direction for Richness in 2019: Northeast
Gambling Direction for Love in 2019: North
Unlucky Gambling Signs
Lucky Gambling Colours in 2019: Blue and Green
Lucky Gambling Numbers in 2019: 1, 7 and 9

Your Gambling Zodiac Sign
If you now believe in how the universe affects you and your luck why don’t you check out your horoscope before deciding to put a bet on a casino game? Who knows perhaps the reading of your zodiac sign has a jackpot in store for you. Let’s take a look:

Aries – March 21 to April 19

Aries are well knowing for being one of the most competitive signs sometimes a little too competitive to the point where they can be classed as aggressive. As an Aries, you love having a fast-paced life, loads of action and loves competing against others. Challenges are always welcome as it’s like a sport where you want to prove that you can do it better than others.

Sports betting is a perfect gambling area for Aries but doesn’t get too excited Aries as we know what you are like and might jump straight into the challenge before doing your research. Make sure that you study the odds thorough before placing a bet so you know all the different type of outcomes. I know what you are thinking, there’s only one outcome, and that is, winning.
If you are an Aries that prefers to play table games then roulette is a great one to go for to suit your adventures nature.

Lucky gambling numbers: 6, 16, 15, 22, 26, 33 and 49.

Taurus – April 20 to May 20

I know you are already reading this article with caution Taurus. Because of your cautious nature, you are always one step ahead through reviewing everything before you jump in. Taurus tend to have very good bank management as players. This is because you always want to stay in control. With your plan in action and careful nature, fixed odds might be the answer for you. As you don’t want to bet too much because you don’t want to lose what is already yours it means that if a Taurus does win, they tend to be fantastic at investing their money wisely.

Lucky gambling numbers: 5, 14, 18, 25, 31, 38 and 43.

Gemini – May 21 to June 20

Gemini’s tend to thrive in groups of people. Being the center of attention feels like home to you. With your love for life, people and intelligent nature, playing on a multiple slots tournament will really suit the Gemini. Like the Gemini, there are two sides to you, as much as you love communicating with people and being in lively environments where you have the potential to show off, this can also be very hard for a Gemini to withdraw from. Which means that you need to be careful when entering the gambling slots tournaments so you don’t go overboard with betting to much to keep the party going until a win comes through. Remember that you are there for the fun of it and to share this joyful experience with others. Baccarat might also be another winner for you as you can enjoy the excitement of throwing the dice.

Lucky gambling numbers: 9, 11, 15, 23, 31, 34 and 49.

Cancer – June 21 to July 22

The Cancer loves to be comfortable, to have an easy life is important to you. You would at any time pick to stay at home and finish any tasks needed than to go out to a bar with your friends. You won’t shy away from upsetting anyone if you need to do what you want to do for yourself. Even though you’re a domestic sign, you love to explore things which makes you quite the unpredictable sign. You know how to get what you want Cancer, and you always get it too. Playing online slots game from the comfort of your own home would suit you perfectly. You can choose your own choice of themes, RTP’s and bets o your slots game whilst enjoying a nice hot bath at home.

Lucky gambling numbers: 4, 15, 16, 21, 27, 34 and 45.

Leo – July 23 to August 22

Leo would never shy away to new opportunities. Exploring for you is life itself. Being one of the greatest risk takers you are ready to try every different kind of game, theme and bet! Through this flamboyant nature, you can play any casino game online as we know you are competitive too you won’t be afraid of some of the progressive slots tournaments. Show them who’s the star!

Lucky gambling numbers: 3, 16, 19, 23, 27, 39 and 47.

Virgo – August 23 to September 22

Here we have probably the most sensible zodiac sign of them all. Being a Virgo you are all for being sensible and practical. Logic is your best friend and even though the Virgo takes calculated moves they are very dedicated to people and things close to them. If you are faced with a problem, the Virgo is the “go-to” person as they will help you with their systematic approach. As a gambler, the Virgo is smart and calculates every more to know when to pull out or when to make a move. These strategies make Virgo one of the most dangerous players as they are good at expecting when they are at a loss and when they can jump in for the big win. Because of your analytic nature Virgo, blackjack is a great casino game for you to play. Blackjack will be able to test your skill set.

Lucky numbers: 9, 14, 15, 24, 28, 37, and 49.

Libra – September 23 to October 22

The Libra is one of the most colorful signs as they know for being artistic. These highly intellectual characters take systematic approaches to ensure they get the best of the best in life. Through careful evaluation, they become great problem solvers. As a Libra, the poker table is your place. Here you can prove that your logic and intellect has a place on the table as a winning player. Being extremely visual and patient, slots may also be a game to give a go at.

Lucky gambling numbers: 7, 9, 17, 23, 26, 34 and 46.

Scorpio – October 23 to November 21

Here comes the fieriest sign of them all, The Scorpio. Who is not afraid to sting you with its tail when he or she has had enough. Scorpios are extremely proactive zodiac signs and even more confident in themselves. If you can spot a person in a crowd from a mile away, then it’s probably a Scorpio. They are not afraid to show who they are through their intelligence and perfectionism. If you want to trust a sign to get it right, Scorpio is the one to ask as they don’t set to fail, ever. For the Scorpio, casino table games or keno would be suitable.

Lucky gambling numbers: 1, 15, 19, 21, 29, 33 and 45.

Sagittarius – November 22 to December 21

The Sagittarius, the one that never settles for anything but fun. They love to experiment and move around the world. If you meet a Sagittarius, you will have lots and lots of adventures. A Sagittarius will always make sure that you are never bored as they themselves, can’t ever stand to become bored! This is why it’s in their nature to be constantly on the move and always have something to do. Being a Sagittarius you tend to have an overactive brain so playing cards would be a way to get your brain working. The Sagittarius is also a fighter, they will make sure they are the last one to stand. As a Sagittarius, you tend to throw yourself into the “deep-end” before knowing the rules. Make sure you read the terms and conditions before starting a new adventure on the casino table.

Lucky gambling numbers: 3, 10, 19, 23, 26, 39 and 41.

Capricorn – December 22 to January 19

Capricorns want to achieve many things in life, this makes them very ambitious signs. These calculated pragmatic will set goals for their dreams that they will make sure to come true. A desired result for the Capricorn is always the aim. Slots game is a brilliant way for the Capricorn to relax, make their own choices of where, when, what and why they decide to play this slots game for their own benefit.

Lucky gambling numbers: 5, 10, 16, 20, 26, 35 and 43.

Aquarius – January 20 to February 18

The Aquarius is a very unique sign as they tend to be unpredictable. This is not through malicious behavior, you just really have to be patient be the Aquarius and want to learn their way of thinking to understand them. One one hand they can make so much sense through logic and on the other they can be eccentric which contradicts the logical explanations, to begin with. This is why you as an Aquarius would be good at card games, blackjack, and poker, as no one can really predict what you might do and this gives you an upper hand.

Lucky gambling numbers: 4, 12, 16, 21, 30, 34 and 48

Pisces – February 19 to March 20

Pisces are emotional beings and can be seen as slightly moody. This is because they base a lot of their choices on emotions which they see as being rational. At the same time, Pisces are very mature for their age and highly intelligent. You as a Pisces will find great abundance on the poker tables, slots, and blackjack.

Lucky gambling numbers: 8, 9, 15, 20, 30, 32 and 42.

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