High roller pokies win percentage vs normal pokies win

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The difference between betting high and low

When you prepare yourself to play on pokies, it makes sense that you want the outcome of the game to be the best result as possible. How do we make the right choice to make sure we get some sort of payout? There are different strategies and ways you can use to produce the best kind of results from your pokies game. The hottest one pending at the moment is the high roller vs. the normal pokies ways of betting, but which one has the strongest results?

Let’s begin with taking a look at how the high rollers approach the reels.


The first question to answer is, what are high limit pokies?

High limit pokies are slots where you play on a higher stake, basically, you bet higher rather than lower. These pokies games that high roller bet on are not “special” pokies, it can be pokies that everyday players bet on, the difference is that the high rollers bet a lot higher, hence the nickname.

You can find high rollers betting on classic pokies, video pokies, bonus pokies and most importantly the progressive jackpot pokies.

A high roller tends to wager hundreds per pokies spin, this is why their payouts can lead to a lot more money than the players who bet lower. High limit pokies offer progressive jackpots and as you can guess these amounts can be pretty huge, perhaps nearly too good to be true.

How do you begin to choose high roller pokies that you like?

Begin with choosing a pokies game that offers you a theme you enjoy playing on. There are so many different kinds of themes and designs to choose from nowadays that you may even come across one that suits, near perfectly, just for you.

Things to look out for are the denominations, pay lines and bonus features so you know that the pokies game is living up to your needs and expectations. You should always try and play on a pokies game that offers free bonus rounds or cashback so you know that you’ve invested your money wisely.

Oh, and we nearly forgot to mention, high RTP games are also on top of the list of pokies games to go for. But before you start playing on your perfect match of a slot game, always, and we cannot stress more, always, read the terms and conditions. This is to assure you that you are spending your money on a casino and a game where you agree on all of the fine print as you don’t want any surprises where you feel out of control.

Remember, knowledge is power, and too much knowledge, is never too much power.

Are high roller pokies popular?

In fact, yes, they are very popular pokies games. However, due to the betting amounts are a lot higher than normal pokies, it more so fits a certain type of player or perhaps we should say budget. These games are for pokies players who can afford to spend a bit more than the Average Joe….

The players who can afford to be betting on high roller games enjoy it for different reasons. Some found the stake exciting whilst others enjoy the special VIP perks that come along with being a high roller. These perks tend to be luxury trips to somewhere exotic that the casinos give to their extremely loyal high roller customers. Of course, the jackpot amount is probably the main reason for wanting or daring to bet higher than “normal” on these pokies games.

What is the reason for having to place a big bet to win bigger?

High roller pokies players bet higher for a number of different reasons. When you decide to place a big bet on the slot game of your choice, it simply comes down to that you have a bigger chance of winning more than you would if you put a smaller bet. When we say big, we mean BIG BUCKS!

So, it comes down to, can you afford to bet bigger to increase your odds to win lifechanging amount of money?

The progressive jackpot especially rings true to this. The jackpots just grow and grow on the progressive pokies games until one lucky winner manages to win that massive pot of money.

Keep in mind that these progressive jackpots are high limit pokies and you will be expected to bet quite a large amount.

Do high limit pokies games work differently?

High limit pokies games do behave differently than regular pokies. They tend to pay out more often than the “normal” pokies, the slot games with lower betting limits. This is because you are spending so much of your own money, to begin with, that the games will more likely pay out more often to make sure you keep coming back to spend more of your money. This is for the benefit of the casino, what goes around comes around….

However, nothing is a guarantee on pokies, no matter what kind of approach you take when it comes to betting higher or lower as it’s a game of chance in the end of the day. The payout amounts are totally random but by betting higher your chances of winning a jackpot are slightly more increased then if you would bet lower amounts.

Pokies are and forever will be a roller coaster ride where you feel butterflies one moment and the next you might feel like your stomach is turning.

This is why knowing when to walk away and enjoy your winnings is a crucial trait to have and to keep as a pokies player, high roller or not.

Always keep in mind that casinos offline or online really love the high rollers as they are the ones earning them money. So don’t feel upset or jealous if you’re not getting as many extras and gifts as the high roller might be getting because remember, the casinos want them to spend as much as possible of their own money. That’s why they tempt them with luxury gifts and luxury trips to keep them playing. Funnily enough, it’s gifts and trips they would have probably just bought for themselves ten times over instead of betting such large amount on pokies.

The grass is not always greener on the other side.


What is considered to be “normal” pokies?

Normal pokies for the “everyday person” who might have to stick within a budget. Pokies is more fun than going for higher stakes. The normal pokies are for the slot players who are focusing on betting lower or putting betting limits.

Just because you’re a normal pokies player, it doesn’t mean that you still can’t win a big jackpot. There have been many cases where normal pokies players have set lower betting limits and won the biggest possible jackpot.

Are normal pokies games less exciting?

No, definitely not. Because normal pokies are so extremely popular, you are more able to find a larger amount of choices in themes and styles of pokies when you’re choosing a normal pokies game.

The software providers will release more games where the demand is met and there are more normal pokies players out there then high roller players.

Why do players bet lower on normal pokies games?

You don’t have to bet lower on normal pokies games. It’s probably because people who are playing on these pokies games are following a budget so they are playing within their own limits which is responsible for gambling.

They still get payouts, just not as regular as a high roller. This is why pokies is more for the love of it then the excitement of putting a high stake on your game.


As you can see, both sides can win large. Yes, the high rollers win larger jackpots because they can afford to bet more often and higher limits. This still does not mean that the normal pokies players don’t have a good chance to win on pokies. As mentioned, many low limit players have won large jackpots and it will happen again.

We think playing within your limits is the best way to go as you can still win a jackpot or have a payout but if you can afford a little bit more, then why not have some fun and feel like a high roller for a day on pokies game.

The pokies world is your oyster.

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